The money’s in your email list.

You know it to be true, or you wouldn’t be here.


Question is: How the hell do you
get the money out’a the list, right?

Hello, My name is Jeremiah Magone

And I am an Email Alchemist.


What’s that?


Simple. Email Alchemy gives you the power to turn your limp, lackluster list of subscribers into a tsunami of sales over the next 30-45 days.


These highly personal campaigns come at your subscribers from a million different angles…


… wearing them down with one delightful hook after another…


… until your subscribers just can’t help but buy from you, because of your sincere empathy and desire to help them.


This is the industrial strength persuasion formula you’ve been looking for; the cure for the all-too-common condition of email list abuse and profit annihilating neglect.