Only 5% of the copywriters out there have gone through any high level training as a copywriter.

And less than 1% of those have actually worked with an A-level copywriter.

But EVERYONE says they’re happy to write your promotions – for a nice, upfront fee.


So how am I different?

First of all, I specialize in marketing to the back end of your business… the list of subscribers you already have…

… where you aren’t running the risk of burning through your ad spend to test out a new copywriter…

… and where you stand to gain the most.

Because when I come along as an Email Alchemist for Hire, and show you how you can grow the total term value of your subscriber base by 2X… 3X or even 5X… well then how much more can you afford to spend to add subscribers to that list? As I’m sure you realize, that’s the virtuous cycle you need to grow your business.


And unlike other copywriters, I help you do all that without risking any of your hard-won marketing budget to do that.

To find out more, just email me at:

 Just note: I’m not currently accepting clients. But I’m happy to talk with you about working together in the future. (August, 2019 is my next opening)