Hey, Jeremiah here.

Now, did you know that not only can you get paid to create your marketing…

… you should be getting paid to create your marketing.

It’s a best practice.

And I’m going to show you how to do that in this video.


Now most people see marketing a bit of a hassle.

It’s an investment of time, money, energy. And, because of that, they kind of put it on the back burner.

When actually, this should be right in the front burner.

This should be right in the fire of your daily activities… this is a best practice for your business.

So, don’t see it as a burden, see it as an opportunity.


So for example, in one of my lead generation magnets, I show off some client work.

This is an interactive map that someone can click on and they can find cool things to see and do in Turks & Caicos.


And this is the opt-in page that we put together for them and this way they’re growing their list.

And people see some value when they opt-into that list.


So, how did I do this?

How did I make this a part of my marketing?

Well, it all comes down to negotiation.


So, a lot of times you’re working with clients and they’re going to push back on fees or the terms, for whatever reason. Well, this is part of the negotiation.

You can say, “Ok. Well, I can give you that, if you can give me this… If you can help me build my marketing…”

Well, then it’s a fair exchange of value, right?


So, knowing that you’ve got to do your marketing.

That’s a piece of leverage that you can use in your negotiations.

And, like I said, you should be using in every piece of business you do because, gathering testimonials, gathering client work, gathering samples of what you’ve done – those are the perfect things to show people what you can do for them, as well.

So, bottom line, my client got more that she was hoping to get out of the project, because I went above and beyond to deliver an excellent sample – because I knew I was going to use it in my marketing.

And I still use this to attract hotels and to show them how we can get out social media campaigns for them that will work on their own, 24/7 for them.

So it’s a real win-win proposition.


So remember, the creation of your lead generation magnet is absolutely essential for building your business… for getting the fees and projects that you want – so the quality has to be there.

And you do that by showing relevant examples that really demonstrate what you’ve done for other people in the past… and what you can do for other people in the future.

So use the creation of your marketing materials as a strategic leverage point in your negotiations to win more negotiations… but also to continue to build your reputation on down the line.


I’d love to hear what you come up with… your examples and how your negotiations turned out, because of this tactic.

Drop me an email. It’s jeremiah@daniellevis.com. Looking forward to talking with you there. Bye now.