Alright. I will bet you this crisp, clean dollar bill that you cannot name 10 Rolling Stones albums off the top of your head, no Google involved.

Now, why am I saying that?

I’m saying that to introduce the idea of a scheme.

Now, when you make a bet with somebody, that’s a scheme.

And this is just the simplest explanation of how it works…

But in this case, we’re talking about a win-lose scheme, right?

Somebody wins, somebody loses.

And if that’s the scheme that you have in your business, well, your success is always going to depend on how well the market’s doing, right?

So that’s not exactly the kind of scheme you want, if you want to guarantee success… guarantee quick growth in your business.


It would be much better, right… if you always had a win-win scheme going in your business.

So that every time a client did business with you, you were guaranteed to both walk away with something valuable.

Understanding that is really essential to understanding the success of legendary marketer Claude C. Hopkins.

You see, Claude, back in the day, he devised schemes where the participants to the schemes all came away with much, much more than they brought to the table.

And let me tell you a really funny story about one example.

One time he was selling a lard… a cooking lard for cakes and he was thinking… “Oh, how can I sell this…? How can I sell this…?”

So what he did is he went to a department store that needed foot traffic…  and he went to a bakery that was close by that needed more customers… to sell their cakes… and he put everybody together and he devised a scheme where in the bay window of this mall, he put the largest cake in the world.

And then, his part of the whole process was to get all the advertising in-line and advertise, “Hey! The largest cake in the world! Come on down and see the largest cake in the world!”

Well, on the day of the debut, of this largest cake in the world, he was driving down to the mall and traffic was snarled for 5, 6 blocks away from the mall.

He finally found his way in there and found long lines of people. They were all cued up to get a slice of this cake.

Of course, what was the price of getting a slice of cake?

Well, you had to take a sample of the lard that his company was selling.

So the women went away with a slice of cake and a sample of the product.


Of this success, Claude said that he wasn’t the best marketer in the world, he’s just the person that gave away the most free samples.

And everybody won. The mall won because they got a ton of foot traffic… the bakery won because now they were the bakery that made the world’s largest cake.

And his client won, as well, because they gave away hundreds and thousands of free samples… and quickly grew their customer base.

Because Claude packed up this delicious scheme and took it all over the United States… to all the different malls, around the States… doing the exact same thing, again and again and again.


Do you see why this kind of scheming is absolutely critical to your success?

So I want to ask, what types of schemes do you have in place to guarantee a win-win for your clients… your customers… and yourself?

If you want some more inspiration on how to come up with these schemes, Daniel put together a recording with legendary marketer Claude C. Hopkins. Of course, it’s not the real one, but he hired a voice actor, a Scottish voice actor, so it’s pretty fun to listen to.

Just go to this blog page and listen to Claude’s interview for yourself:

And I think you’ll get some real inspiration.

Because, dead marketers don’t lie.

Nothing is new.

The scheme is still at the heart of your success.


So make sure you’re not using a win-lose scheme in your business…

…and you’re losing money every time a piece of business doesn’t come through.

Instead, make sure you have lots of win-win relationship with other people… other communities… other associations so you can combine forces, and create that synergy where “the combined total is greater than the sum of its parts,” as they say.

Do that, and you’re going to find that it’s just so much easier to become successful.

And don’t forget to let me know what you come up with. And if you have any questions along the way, just drop me a line.

It’s and looking forward to talking with you there. Bye now.