Alright, so, here I am at In-n-Out Burgers in San Diego.

I walked right up, he said, “Hey! Can I help you?” “Yeah. Here’s my card.”

And I walked out with a cheeseburger, animal style. As simple as that.


So why am I showing you this?

Well, it’s because I wanted to ask: Why do so many of us have this same ‘order taking’ mentality, that they have at the counter here, when it comes to our businesses?

Why do so many of us have the same approach to client calls?

When we get on the phone we say, “Hey, what do you need? Ok, what’s the time frame… what’s the budget…? Can we do a deal?”

That is absolutely the wrong approach to take because, #1. The price of the burger is not fixed when we’re talking about your services… when we’re talking about your expertise.

And #2. It doesn’t prove that you have the expertise to charge what you might want to charge.


So how can we fix that?

First, you need to change up the dynamic, and you do that by pre-framing your calls… pre-framing the expertise that someone is going to get access to when they get on your calls.

People should think, “Hey, when I get on a call with this guy or this gal, I’m going to get something really, really valuable, whether I do business with them, or not.”

That’s what it takes to changing from the ‘order taking’ mentality to the ‘expertise… the consultative selling’ mentality.

After all, in order for somebody to appreciate your expertise and pay you for it, they actually have to ‘taste the difference’, right? They have to sample the expertise.

And they do that by you asking really expert questions that gets to the heart of the matter… to what really is bothering their business… what really is troubling their business… and showing them that you have a command that problem – and that you can actually solve it.


That’s the key to sealing the deal!

Because by asking really smart questions, that’s how you help your clients clarify the problems, crystallize the solution.

And when it’s there… when it’s right in front of them… well, that’s the thing that makes the sale.

No ‘arm-bar’ tactics… no objection handling needed… No. That doesn’t do a damn thing.

The only thing that’s really important is your prospects see that you understand their problem and that you have a solution.

And when that happens – who argues with the price for a lifesaving surgery? Right?

I’m making a joke, of course. But that’s kind of what people should (understand and )… come to grips with after they get off the phone with you, as well.

Because most people don’t know what their real problem is… they don’t know what kind of a ‘head wound’ they have in their business… they just know they’re light-headed from lack of cash flow.


So what expertise… what expectation of value should I have if I was to get on a call with you?

What problems would you help me solve in my life or in my business?

Let me know by dropping me a line at: I’d love to hear more about you and your value proposition.

Because, you don’t want to be an order taker.

You want to be the person that helps in a genuine way.

And you do that by making sure that when I ‘come to the counter’ I’m ready to listen, alright?

So, until the next video. Hope you’re having a great day. Bye now.


P.S. I also wrote a blog post on how to pre-frame your calls, along with a few examples, which you can find right here:

The Death of Product Demos – Why Changing Consumer Behavior Is Driving Sellers Crazy …