Hey, good afternoon. Jeremiah here.

Now, last October, I was invited over to Florida for a major copywriting convention to speak.

They gave me a 10 minute slot and they said, you know, “Just deliver one really simple idea… maybe a little bit about your story, and that’s enough.”

So, I worked really hard. I  put together 3 pages of really, really well edited notes. And when I was at the podium there, as soon as I turned over to the 2nd page of my notes, the AV guys in the back, they held up a sign, “1-minute left.” I thought, “Oh, my God! What happened,” right?

So I started speed reading through my script. By the time I got to the middle part of the 2nd page, they put up another sigh: “End presentation.”

Oh my God. I jumped to the 3rd page and just basically skipped through the whole thing. I don’t even know if it made sense for the audience. I got 1 clap. And, you know, I made sure to get off the stage quickly… because I didn’t want to mess up the other speakers, but… I definitely was not proud of my performance.

And even though my friend had an iPhone recording of it, I never watched the recording. And, you know what, I think it got deleted by mistake, right?

So I’m making this video to show you how you don’t have to risk public embarrassment to get your message out there.

I’m going to show you the No Fear of Rejection Way of doing that… so that you can be more consistent. You can be in front of your audience on a consistent basis. Alright? So let’s check that out.


So like I was saying, I was mortified by my appearance. It was such an honor to be there… and I feel like I wiffed it pretty badly.

But, you know, they didn’t hold it against me, so I appreciate that. However, I’ve learned that, you know, maybe that’s not for me.

Maybe what I’m best at is webinars and videos – because, when you have a webinar… when you have a video… you have EDITING!

You have the chance to re-record sections and that just puts me so much more at ease… And, because you’re at ease, you sound more confident and you resonate with your audience on a much deeper level.

And that’s really, really important.

Because when you’re putting out the best version of your message, you know you don’t gotta hide it under a rock.

You know you should shout it from the roof tops, right? And you can shout it a lot; every single week, every other day. You know?

There’s always somebody that’s looking for what you have to offer, so you’ve gotta put it out there if you want to help people.

Most importantly, because you’re putting out the best version of your message, you’re so much more happy about putting it out there. You know it reflects well on you, so you’re eager to get people to listen to it… and that’s really important because your message, how you help people, needs to connect with the people that you can help.

Because your content is very, very important. So putting it in front of people who need that help… I mean, really, that’s your missing, as a business man… as a business woman. Am I right?

And let’s not forget that because you’re doing a much better job of promoting your message… because you’re more energetic about it… because you know it’s the best version of yourself… well, that shows people that you’ve got the goods. And that you can either help them with that solution, or maybe, you help them with their marketing, as well.

I mean, confidence breeds trust. And you know how important trust is to sealing the deal, right?

So, like I was saying, a well scripted webinar or video series, that’s just so fundamental to building that trust… to building your business. So let me say it again, confidence + consistency = credibility. And widespread credibility is exactly what makes the cash register ring.

So if you want to figure out how to put out webinar scripts or how to plan out your videos in a way that will build that consistency… build that momentum… build that back and forth with your audience, I’m happy to help.

Just get in touch with me. Book a call at www.DanielLevis.com/jm


And I’ll take you through the 5 steps for putting together a killer outline for your webinar.

That’s the 1. Offer, 2. How you’re generating leads, 3. How you’re driving traffic, 4. How you’re sealing the deal, and 5. How you’re following up.

If you don’t have these 5 essential elements together in your business… well, you’re always going to be ‘chasing the wind’ a little bit.

We need to make sure that when you talk to your market, they see the consistency… they see the credibility… and you’ve got an offer that resonates with them… and you’re continually following up so they can’t forget it. Right?

So, like I said, book a call with me and I’ll walk you through those 5 points, and I’ll even send you away with a recording of our call, so you’ll have that for your review.

So, if you have any other questions, just leave a comment below, I answer ever comment. And hope you’re having a great day. Bye now.