There’s a world of competition on the Hospitality B2B landscape:

And they all want to monopolize your buyer’s time.

That’s why you need to stand out.

This is where my copywriting services can help

With my persuasive writing, you’ll be able to:

Grab your prospect’s attention – Using Email Alchemy, I make sure each one of your emails are filled with the kind of stories and big ideas that help you cut through the competition. Without this advantage, how can we get prospects to open your promotions, read, or take the time to learn about your company’s track record, credibility, USP or quality guarantee?

Add value to every follow up touch – People are getting better and better at weeding out quality content from spammy, self-promotion material. Obviously, you’ll help your sales if you’re in the first, and not the latter category… Why’s that?  Because “the proof is in the pudding,” as they say. If you want prospects to know, like and trust you and your company’s products, then you’ve got to give them a taste of something good. Show them you’re committed to quality in every interaction you have and they’ll naturally think those same standards apply to your business relationship.

Overcome buying objections – If you want to sell, you’ve got to know your prospects and understand what motivates them to buy… as well as all the reasons they might walk away. With hundreds of connections to hotel marketing directors, event planners, owners and general managers, I bring that personal understanding of your prospect’s needs to your promotions. This lets you speak with them in a voice that’s instantly recognizable, addresses their doubts… before they have a chance to surface… and positions your products and services above competitors.

Close more deals – By bringing in a freelance copywriter you’re not “outsourcing”, you’re giving yourself a better shot at success.  How’s that?  Because your success is my success… and without that success, I know you’re not going to come back to me with your next project. That puts me in the hot seat, and helps guarantee you the kind of breakthrough results you need to bring your business up to the next level.


Get in touch with me to talk about the vision for your business.