Copy Critique

“I have seen one mail-order advertisement actually sell, not twice as much, not three times as much, but 19-1/2 times as much merchandise as another ad for the same product… The difference was that one used the right appeal and the other used the wrong appeal” – John Caples


They thought their website copy was just fine the way it was…  

But when I showed them how much money they were leaving on the table!

A few quick questions to ask yourself:

  1. Was your website copy the first thing or the last thing your team talked about during your website development?
  2. Did you have a professional copywriter work on it, or was it ‘handled’ by someone in the marketing department?
  3. Does your website resemble your brochures?
  4. Was it written during the great recession?
  5. Do you get many qualified leads from your website?




If any of these questions make you stop and think, then your website’s appeal deserves a second opinion.


2015 is one of the most amazing years the hospitality industry has ever had!

RevPAR is up 6.7% and, national occupancy achieved 65%.  “The highest national occupancy rate since STR, Inc. began reporting data in 1987.”

It’s not too much for me to proclaim, “This is your chance to bring business to the next level!”

But unless you’re reaching out to hotel owners and managers with a message they care about, i.e. business issues they’re thinking about NOW – not 5 years ago – then you don’t stand much of a chance.

They’re incredibly busy, after all.  And the last thing they ‘need’ to know about on Monday morning is your company and your solutions.

This is where my copy critique can help.

What’s included in the copy critique?

I give you:

  • Ego copy vs. Interest copy measurements
  • Headline and subhead analysis
  • CUBA analysis
  • Competitive research samples
  • Lead generation analysis
  • Info premium analysis
  • Reputation analysis
  • Sales fulfillment analysis
  • User Interface and User Experience analysis
  • Marketing message recommendations

With these recommendations you’ll be able to see your website with new eyes.  This isn’t just a place to put out information on your company and your products and services, after all.

You’re website is where you need to grab people’s attention, cut to the chase with answers to their questions, prove your credibility, your unique sales position, personality, and give them something of value to start the relationship off in the right direction.

Simply put, your website should be the best lead generation funnel ever invented.  But if it reads like a brochure… if it doesn’t give people lots of interesting things to do and see… or speak directly to their needs and desires – if it doesn’t appeal to their own self interests – then you’re missing a unique opportunity to broaden your sales funnel.

My website copy critique service is a quick and inexpensive way to make sure you’re not making that mistake.


Why you?

There are a lot of gurus out there.  But I don’t claim to be one of them.  So, instead of giving you my opinion of your web copy, I test your website using specific, proven scientific advertising methods borrowed from the greats.


How does that work?

I use tools that will give you the exact ratio between your ego copy (copy that just talks about your company) and your interest copy (copy that speaks to the interests of your prospects).

My headline analysis shows how you have positioned yourself within the 6 different types of leads and tests your message using the 4”U”s.  This lets us know if your headlines are Useful, Ultra-specific, Unique or Urgent enough.  If not, it also shows us where we can strengthen your headline appeal.

Using the CUBA analysis, we see if any points of your website are Confusing, Unbelievable, Boring or Awkward.  This is of the utmost importance, because any one of these ‘cardinal sins’ can send people bouncing off your site faster than a trampoline.

I also spend a lot of time looking at your competitors, listening to your market and measuring the cohesiveness of your sales funnel.  But I won’t go into everything that my copy critique details here.

Instead, if you are interested in ordering a site-wide copy critique, please fill out the form below.

When I receive your inquire, I’ll immediately send you a full outline of what this service entails.

You’ll see the 2-3-page executive report samples which I’ve done for other companies.  And I’ll also follow up with an email to schedule a 15 minute time slot where you can ask any questions about this service you like.

There’s no cost for the inquiry or call.  But please note that I am only available to talk by phone from 10 – 11AM (PST) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please understand, this limitation gives me more time to concentrate on client work, so I can deliver the kind of quality I know you expect.

If any of the questions questions up above raise doubts, then it’s time to have your website tested with a copy critique.

Drop me an email to schedule your call.

Note: Copy Critique is not a satisfaction guaranteed services.  I might end up telling you things you might not like to hear… just like when your doctor spots a problem during your annual check-up.  But wouldn’t you rather know?  And likewise, wouldn’t you rather figure out what your website copy problems are, now, so you don’t continue to suffer from depressed sales on into the future?