Hi. Jeremiah here.

How is last week’s seizure of over a billion dollars of cocaine in Philadelphia exactly the same as what most people are doing in terms of content marketing and promoting their companies?

I’ll tell you why that is… but first of all let me tell you why that’s so important to ramping up your revenues with every single email you send out… with every single communication you send out…

You see, this is a lesson that my mentor, Daniel Levis, taught me… which I remember every single time I sit down to write copy.

Because this secret is really what is responsible for his results, getting $3-16 per subscriber, per month… compared to the regular $1 per month, per subscriber average in this industry.

And Daniel does this using something called the De Bono secret.

Edward DeBono

And luckily, he put up a blog page, just last week, about this, which shows you exactly how to use it in own business.

You can figure that out just by going there: https://www.daniellevis.com/little-known-secret-weapon-ace-copywriters/

Go there, that’ll show you exactly how to use this principal in your own marketing to – ramp up your mailing frequency…  ramp up the conversion… and, most importantly, ramp up the entertainment in every piece of your marketing collateral.


And so getting back to the Philly cocaine story…

So how is that drug bust exactly the same as what I see most marketers doing in their content marketing strategy? Well, think about it.

If people never open your content…

…because the last time was so boring…

…if they never sample the purity of all the research and all the blood, sweat and tears that you put together… you’ve put in to creating the best content in the world… because last time was so boring… well, then you’re not going to be profitable.

And the people that paid for the copywriting… paid for the research… paid for the distribution… paid for the ads – they’re going to be plenty angry.

AND, you can guarantee – heads are going to roll.


So make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

Make sure that your emails are entertaining, they provide some value… they provide enjoyment… because when you do that well… you can talk to people more often… they don’t mind it one little bit.

And that’s the key to ramping up your profitability, quickly and with minimal risk.


Alright! So, if you have any questions on how to use the De Bono secret in your marketing collateral, just shoot me an email.

It’s jeremiah@daniellevis.com, and I’m happy to help.

Looking forward to talking with you there. Bye now.