Just like M&Ms became a household name by consistently marketing the tagline, “melts in your mouth, not in your hands,” your Key Copy Platform gives you the solid foundation you need to stand out in this hectic marketing environment.





  • A business tag line
  • A social and psyco-graphic description of your specific target market
  • An explanation of the real human value of your business’ products and services
  • A unique selling proposition statement
  • Your emotional selling position. These are statements tied to core emotional benefits. AKA – buying buttons
  • Product positioning statement. This shows how you want your business to be perceived in the market
  • Testimonials, expert and celebrity quotes along with mentions in popular media
  • Key message benefit statements with well-researched facts to support your main selling points
  • Key message benefit statements designed to overcome anticipated objections
  • A list of essential headline elements and samples to include in your marketing pieces



This service requires at least 1 week to complete.  During that time, all of your previous ads, marketing materials need to be sent to me for review.  I’ll need to talk with your service department.  And, if possible, I’d like to speak with some of your happy customers to better understand their main buying motivations.  A 1 hour teleconference to answer questions and explain the findings of the final 2 – 3 page executive summary is included.