Hey! Good afternoon. Jeremiah here.

Did you know that the size of your list has very little to do with how successful you can be, as an entrepreneur?

Doesn’t matter if you have 10,000, 20,000… 30,000 people on your list, or a couple dozen… a couple hundred.

The only thing that’s really important are the metrics. And that’s what I’m going to show you in this video.


Ok, so let’s say you have a list… a small list of 10,000 subscribers, and you’ve been really working hard at building that list. That’s been your main focus over the past couple of years.

But, when you look at the revenues from that list, you’re barely breaking $1 per subscriber per month. You’re barely breaking past that benchmark. Well, what does that mean in terms of your business growth?

Well, if the subscriber costs you $10 to get… well, then that means you’re not breaking even for 10 months. And what about interest, as well? So, if you add all that up, a subscriber is only worth a little bit to you. It’s only worth 5%-6% business growth per year.


Now think about what happens when you increase the term value of your subscriber from $1 per month to $3-5 per month.

Now, you’re paying off your traffic costs in 2 or 3 months… even at $10 to obtain that subscriber… and you’re profitable for 9 or 10 months out of the year, adding $27-$50 in profit, even after your traffic costs.


And what happens then?

Now, since you’re consistently generating $27-$50 per subscriber, how much more can you spend to attract even more subscribers to your list?

How much more can you spend to be the top dog on higher authority websites and advertising platforms… with more credibility?

And what does that credibility do to your sales process?

How much easier does that make it to make sales and to recoup that add spend?


So that’s what it’s all about.

It’s all about the metrics of how much you earn per subscriber per month.

If you keep your eyes laser focused on that, well, that’s where the money is.

Not in the traffic. Not in the numbers (of subscribers on your list). But how much are you getting per subscriber per month?

And this is why Claude C. Hopkins, way back in 1923… 96 years ago… in Scientific Advertising, he said that, “Advertising, once a gamble, has become, under able direction, one of the safest of business ventures. Certainly, no other enterprise with comparable possibilities need involve so little risk.”

He wasn’t talking about rolling the dice and doing huge traffic buys… and crossing your fingers.

No. He was talking about doing small buys… $20… $30… $40… seeing how much each subscriber was worth, per month, and then scaling out. That’s what this is all about.


So if you’d like to do that for your own business, I put together a presentation on the Email Alchemy style of campaigns.

And this is where I go in and, instead of looking at the front end… instead of looking at the acquisition side of your business… I look at the back end. I look at the potential.

And if you have a large list, but you only have $1… $1.50… $1.75 in earnings per subscriber per month, well… let’s go take a look at that and see how we can blow it out at $3, $4, $5, $6, $7 per subscriber per month.

I put together a presentation on that and you can sign up for that right below this video.

And if it’s a fit… if you see the synergy there, drop me a line, right?

It’s jeremiah@daniellevis.com and we’ll see what we can do.

Hope you’re having a great day. Talk to you soon. Bye.